Thought to Guide Your Reading
While David is running for his dear life from Saul he praises God!Psalm (P)Synopsis
Psalm 7
David runs from his enemies—right into the arms of God. He acknowledges that punishment would come if he was guilty, but he isn't guilty. He knows those who are guilty are punished openly and obviously. This is why he thanks God for making things right!Psalm 27
There is nothing that can scare David for God is everywhere! God protects him and keeps him calm. God keeps David going down the right road and helps him through the toughest of times. Stay with God!Psalm 31
David cries out to God to save him. There is nothing he can trust outside God. He is troubled and mocked by his enemies. Yet he will still serve God because God will protect him and save him soon.Psalm 34
David praises God after he gets away with Abimelek. He calls for others to help praise God for everything God does. They should see what God does for both the righteous and the wicked. Through sight they will choose God.Psalm 52
In this lament of Doeg's slaughter of the priests, David tells Doeg how God would defeat him and the punishment on its way. He praises God for bringing justice for the innocent.How Today’s Reading Contributes to the Gospel: God is Setting All Things Right
God is the refuge for the innocent.
David's psalms exclaim how God protects the innocent. He also realizes that God's protection does not extend to the guilty:God, if I’ve done what they say—God protects the innocent. God punishes the wicked.
betrayed my friends,
ripped off my enemies—
If my hands are really that dirty,
let them get me, walk all over me,
leave me flat on my face in the dirt. (7:3-1, The Message)
God gives (inner) peace to His People.
David is running for his life. Any city or group of people could spell the end of his days running. Yet he is able to say,When besieged,He is confident he will see God's goodness. Even though your enemies may encircle you and you feel all but defeated, stay with God! He will give you peace.
I’m calm as a baby.
When all hell breaks loose,
I’m collected and cool. (27:3, The Message)
David mistrusts religion. He trusts in God.
This part jumps out at me, "I hate all this silly religion, / but you, God, I trust" (31:6, The Message). This mistrust continues the theme begun by God when Saul disobeys God at Geba. God cares more for trusting in Him than being "religious." Anyone can sing a song. Only those who trust in God sing these songs with their full heart.David calls for the punishment of the wicked.
Once again David writes a psalm where speaks of the punishment of evildoers. This one is more pointed—speaking directly at the person who is doing the evil before shifting in the end to praising God for His actions. What we also should see is that all of the punishment comes from God and not from David.God will tear you limb from limb,God will punish those who do evil—not His Chosen People.
sweep you up and throw you out,
Pull you up by the roots
from the land of life. (Psalm 52:5 The Message)
Are you betting on the wrong horse? (52:6-7)
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