1 Chronicles 7-9 presents the last of the genealogies. There is little to no narrative. 1 Chronicles 10 retells the story of Saul's death and the aftermath. Since it includes only a little new information I won't bother putting together a summary or thought to guide your reading. To read my thoughts on Saul's death, return to April 19. If you are behind, read chapter 10 to refresh your memory. If not, use this day to reflect on what else you have read. This blog post will be short.
This reason is why this section is in our scripture. It would have been important for the people of the day to have their tie back to God's Promise to Abraham. Since we are the spiritual ancestors of Abraham, this section is not as important to us.
Enjoy your day. (I'm on vacation!)
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How Today’s Reading Contributes to the Gospel: God is Setting All Things Right
The genealogy of Israel is very important—they must trace their lineage back to Abraham to be consider a Chosen Person.
(Repeat of Tuesday's thought)This reason is why this section is in our scripture. It would have been important for the people of the day to have their tie back to God's Promise to Abraham. Since we are the spiritual ancestors of Abraham, this section is not as important to us.
Saul was punished for disobeying God.
Saul's reign began well but went downhill. Saul lost God's Spirit when he failed to destroy everything in a battle. Eventually his pride prevented him from praying to God and he died in battle. Learn from Saul: God will punish His Chosen Leaders when they turn against him.Enjoy your day. (I'm on vacation!)
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