Thought to Guide Your Reading
Even Babylon, God's servant, would be punished for their war crimes.Summary in 100 Words or Less
God's message continues:"Ammon, Esau, and Assyria—you will be destroyed because of your inflated egos.
"Babylonians will destroy Kedar and attack Hazor!
"Elam, I will break your weapons and scatter your people.
"A force from the north will make Babylon's gods look fraudulent. Then Israel, my lost sheep, will seek Me and return to Jerusalem. Hurry, before you get caught in Babylon's punishment!
"Babylon, look what you've become. Now you will taste your own medicine. Israel's guilt is gone. You get the hammer. I am your enemy. The news of your downfall will be heard all over the world."
How Today’s Reading Contributes to the Gospel: God is Setting All Things Right
God would punish these "godless" nations to prove their gods impotent.
(Repeat from yesterday's comment)God wanted Israel and Judah to be lighthouses to the nations with hopes that these nations would give up their gods and follow the Creator. Instead Israel and Judah became examples of how not to follow God. Now God comes to each nation independently to prove their gods unable to save, just as Israel's gods were unable to save them. God is not being heartless and killing nation after nation. He is showing them they need a new god and Israel would be a great place to find Him. Everything God does is meant to set things right, even if it requires punishment.
God took away Israel's guilt.
Israel's and Judah's exiles were to punish them for worshiping other gods. Now God has forgiven them of their spiritual adultery and would return them to their land, an act that would be God's great deed they would remember. God removes His Chosen People's guilt!God would pay Babylon for their war crimes.
Although God called Nebuchadnezzar and his army to defeat Judah, Egypt, Assyria, etc, their victory included terrible atrocities. God does not allow these to go by. All wrongs must be set right. Even God's Non-Chosen Servants must pay for their wrongs.Do you think you can get away with your wrongs because you are God's Chosen People or outside God's Promise?
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