
God is Setting All Things Right. So I am Blogging Through the Bible in a Year.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16 - 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8: Solomon Organizes His Kingdom

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8

The Message

English Standard Version

Thought to Guide Your Reading

God would punish Solomon's descendents based on their disobedience but would bless them based on David's obedience.

Summary in 100 Words or Less

God impressed upon Solomon the importance of obedience. If Solomon and/or his descendents obeyed God they would be blessed with God's presence. If they disobeyed, God would tear down Solomon's throne and His temple and send Israel into captivity.
Hiram wished for more important cities for his reward; however, he received what he received.
Pharaoh gave his daughter, the wife of Solomon, the land of Gezer. Solomon rebuilt it.
Solomon reinitiated the Canaanite-forced-labor agreement. Full-blooded Israelites manned government positions.
Solomon was greatly blessed with wealth and ships. Hiram sent sailors to help build Solomon's fleet.
Solomon continued to obey God.

How Today’s Reading Contributes to the Gospel: God is Setting All Things Right

God would not spare his own Temple built by the chosen king in the chosen land He gave to His Chosen People.

(Repeated from Friday's comments)
Reminiscent to Moses' words to Israel prior to entering Canaan, God presents both sides of the coin to being His Chosen People. There are great and wondrous promises—land, peace, prosperity, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. They would become an example to the nations, a testament to their god's Awesome Blessings. There are also equally great and wondrous punishments—persecution, captivity, destruction, and ruin. They would become an example to the nations, a testament to their god's Awesome Judgment. Even the Temple that Solomon built would not stand if they did not obey God. Warning: Those who take up with God will be greatly blessed. Those who later take up with other gods will be equally punished. Remember this the next time you consider choosing to be God's Chosen Person on this earth and encourage others to become a Chosen Person on this earth. It is for anyone; but it is not for everyone.

Solomon was greatly blessed because he continued to sacrifice to God.

Sometimes I wonder "how righteous" the people in the Old Testament were. If you grew up in a church you may feel that these men and women were such "superheroes of faith" that we could never match their intensity, dedication, and ability to set things right. Fortunately, scripture does not present these people as "inventors of good" (to turn Paul's phrase on its head). Solomon, the son of the man after God's own heart, was greatly blessed because he "kept to the regular schedule of worship set down by Moses" and "followed the practice of his father David in setting up groups of priests carrying out the work of worship" (2 Chronicles 8:13-14, The Message). If you want to be righteous and do not know where to start, begin with what has been passed down through scripture and your tradition. By doing this you will see ways to mature and add to your worship ways to set things right.

Are you keeping what has been passed down through scripture and tradition?

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