Thought to Guide Your Reading
God tells Moses to prepare to die—and the people would not obey God's word. Not great parting words.Summary in 100 Words or Less
Moses comforted Israel. "If you repent, God will restore your relationship and your land."These are simple, understandable laws. You need no guru to interpret it—love God and obey Him. If not, death.
"I am 120 years-old and will soon die. Joshua, be strong and courageous. You are Israel's leader. Remember your ancestor's teachings."
Moses wrote the Law for the people.
God told Moses it was time. He warned Moses that Israel would soon worship other gods, but He wanted them to have a song to remember the Promise and return to Him.
So Moses taught Israel this song.
How Today’s Reading Contributes to the Gospel: God is Setting All Things Right
God is slow to punish and quick to forgive.
Considering what was written yesterday, this is an important part to include! Moses wants Israel to remember that God's ability to punish was equal to His ability to save. If they repented of their sin then God would save them from whatever calamity they faced. Things would be back to normal—as though nothing had happened in the first place. God's punishments are severe, but His forgiveness is complete. What a great God!The Law of God is simple.
In a section that is quoted again in the New Testament, Moses reminds Israel that God's Law is not so difficult that they need some guru in another place to interpret it for them. The Law of God is simple—love God and keep His commandments. If you do not love God and keep His commandments, you will die. That does not need a Master's of Divinity degree to understand!Moses passes the mantle to Joshua.
Moses knows Joshua is the next chosen leader. He does not want the same problems to happen to Joshua that happened to him when he became Israel's leader. So he, in front of all Israel, passes the mantle of leadership to Joshua. No one could question Joshua's legitimacy. He also encourages Joshua and the Israelites to obey God when they enter Canaan. Leaders should publically pass on the legitimacy of leadership to their successor.God has Moses write a song that will help Israel remember His ability to both punish and forgive His people.
God realizes the people are not fully converted to Him. So he has Moses write a song that the people can sing for generations to come that would help them remember the god of their ancestors (chapter 32). Teach your children songs that can help them remember God when they no longer remember theology.What songs are you teaching/have taught your children to help them remember God?
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