Thought to Guide Your Reading
God uses bad situations to bring His plan into action.Summary in 100 Words or Less
Isaac wanted to bless his favorite son, Esau. Rebekah cajoled Jacob into tricking Isaac. Isaac blessed Jacob (thinking he was Esau) and gave him reign over his brothers. When Esau learned this, he promised in his heart to kill Jacob. Rebekah and Isaac sent Jacob to live with her brother Laban.On the way God passed Abraham's blessing onto Jacob.
Jacob fell in love with Rachel, Laban's second daughter. After seven years of work, Laban tricked Jacob and gave Jacob his oldest daughter Leah instead. Jacob worked seven more years for Rachel. Leah, not loved by Jacob, had four sons.
How Today’s Reading Contributes to the Gospel: God is Setting All Things Right
Rebekah acted on God's earlier promise.
Before Esau and Jacob were born God told Rebekah Esau, the older, would serve Jacob, the younger (25:23). So be careful when judging her actions. They were not as sinister as we make them out to be.Both Rebekah and Isaac want Jacob to go to Laban.
Rebekah wants him to go so Esau will not kill him. Isaac wants him to go to find a godly wife (as did his father Abraham). Rebekah also wants him to find a godly wife, but it's more because she's tired of the Hittite women Esau has married (27:46).Jacob is a deceiver, but God gives him Abraham's blessing anyway.
Why God chooses Jacob is still a mystery. His vow is not one you would expect a godly man to give, "If God stands by me and protects me … this God will be my God (28:20, The Message). We want him to have Job's faith—obedience without conditions. However, this shows a major theme in Genesis, God will take the situations humans have created and still bring them to His honor. If you have a spotty past (or are not willing to fully serve God yet), God will still protect you. Through his love and protection we will see his greatness in the end. He is patient and willing for us to grow into giving Him everything.Leah's attempt at gaining Jacob's love does not work.
She names her first three sons "Look-It's-a-Boy!" (Reuben), "God-Heard" (Simeon), and "Connect" (Levi). Yet Jacob still loved Rebecca more than her. So she finally decided to give up her plan and named her fourth son "Praise-God" (Judah). I'm not sure why that has always struck me as interesting, but it has.What did you see reading this passage? Questions? Comments? Leave a comment in the section below or on the Sonoma Mountain Parkway Church of Christ Facebook page.
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