Organic Church is the third book (out of nine) written by Cole and the most popular and controversial one by far. In it he presents his philosophy of church planting, critiques of where the American church has gone wrong and encouragement that normal people can do just what he has done.
After describing a scene from The Matrix and warning people not to read unless they were willing to change their concept of ‘church’ as Neo changed his concept of ‘reality,’ Cole presents a very factual and respectful critique of the American church conscious. I say respectful because his purpose is not to demonize traditional churches, become a sanctuary for evangelical outcasts, or become a new trendy “prophetic” voice. The problem is not that American churches are too culturally bound or removed; it’s because churches have detached themselves from Jesus to the point that the world no longer sees a connection between the two. The rest of the book is his resolution of this problem.
Part one (chs. 1-4) gives his rationale for changing his conception of ‘church.’ Chapter one is a call for the church to leave its place of comfort and, using a metaphor from Lord of the Rings, ride out into the fray of a world thirsting for righteousness but unable to find it. Encouraging churches to get beyond “defending the faith,” he wants them to know that Jesus has already won and they have the right to go on the offensive. He gives an example of his radically changed state of mind by telling a new Christian drug addict to kick the habit by evangelizing to his drug dealer. Cole’s ability to think outside the normal boundaries of “safe church” is amazing and almost always germane to the situation. Chapter two gives his story of being awakened to the ‘organic’ style of planting churches, “to lower the bar of how church is done and raise the bar of what it means to be a disciple” (p. 26). Chapter three provides hope to the church that all is not lost. The church can survive only if it allows the light of Jesus in to revive its “zombie flesh.” Chapter four asks a dangerous question: “Okay, Lord, so what is a church anyway?” (p. 47). This question is very important. First, it invites God as the centerpiece. Second, the question is not, “how do I do church” (neglecting God) or “what is ‘church’” (neglecting man) but gets to the heart of the matter: God, what is a church? This shift is extremely important because it is both emanating out of God and yet remains practical.
Part two (chs. 5-7) gives a biblical basis of organic churches. Chapter five presents a very interesting and thought-provoking extension to the phrase “you reap what you sow” with “you eat what you reap.” If Christians sow nothing they eat nothing. Also, if they spend all of their time tending to the bad soils they may end up with a bad crop: “I am convinced that we have made a serious mistake by accommodating bad soil in our churches” (p. 69). This concept should and could revolutionize the makeup of the church and cause a great repentance and renewal to come upon a multitude of congregations. Chapter six calls the church back to a simplistic view of growth, one that expects yet still is amazed at God’s power to give increase. Chapter seven looks back at the beginning of life to show that a church is at its best when it is only two or three people. This is important because if these two or three people are on fire for God, there can be no opposition to their spiritual growth.
Part three (chs. 8-9) looks at the foundation for an organic church. Cole uses the basic building blocks of all living organisms to form an acrostic of the three irreducible complexities of churches (ch. 8): Divine truth, Nurturing relationships and Apostolic mission (DNA). Any additions, subtractions or relegations of one of these will cause a church to become less than adequate for its mission. Chapter nine gives more specifics on leadership style (diffused), structure (supporting not limiting), and design (fractals, meaning each mimics the others in having DNA unique but similar to all others) of organic churches.
Part four (chs. 10-12) gives encouragement that everyone is capable of planting a church but only if they are willing to fully rely on God, pray, and give Him room to work. He encourages leaders to allow and push new converts to spread their new faith to their acquaintances since they will be the best workers (ch. 10). Chapter 11 expands on the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game to show that everyone has connections to people around the world. If we are willing to use those connections towards expanding the reign of God starting at home and working outwards we could change the world. Chapter 12 is a passionate plea to spread the news the way Jesus tells the apostles to spread the news in Luke 10. Normal door-knocking campaigns focus on hitting every door in the neighborhood. Jesus told the apostles to look for a person of peace and not to leave them. So we should knock on the first door asking if they know who needs the gospel. This simple shift is brilliant.
Part five humanizes the entire book by giving examples of failed attempts (ch. 13) and his final plea to action (ch. 14). I appreciated this chapter greatly because this is where most books fail. They focus so much on getting it done right that one may feel paralyzed with fear and unable to even start. Cole’s mistakes and subsequent successes show that this is not going to be done perfectly at first; however, by learning from their mistakes, Christians can plant churches that reproduce.
Obviously, I have so many great things to say about this book (this review is over twice the assigned size). I suggest that anyone (that is, anyone able to get past his faulty soteriology to see the great strengths in this book) should run and get it. However, heed his warning: “After reading this book, you may not want to go back [to the ordinary church].”
Cole, Neil. 2005. Organic church : growing faith where life happens. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
What faulty soteriology? Did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteI am curious, in what way is Neil's soteriology "faulty?"
ReplyDeleteMr. Cole and Mlabus, I am excited to know that you both read my review. I loved this book and I see how the principles can be translated to other contexts around the world, something many books fail to do. The “faulty soteriology” is not one specific principle but in how you (Mr. Cole) mention salvation in stories. The principles you gave about salvation were very strong and I appreciated your candor. I find your critiques about baptism correct, that the church has made it something that can only be done by clergy. When I was baptized, I wanted my uncle, a minister, to baptize me at our congregation’s building. Since it was near a holiday I needed to wait a few days for him to come. That is something I regret doing though I do not question my salvation. That seems to be your purpose for mentioning baptism in the book, so I do not take umbrage with it.
ReplyDeleteThe “faulty soteriology” I mentioned in the review was your de-emphasis of baptism and overemphasis of prayer in regards to salvation. In essence, you describe prayer as the way to salvation and baptism as a necessary act to prove discipleship. I went back and read some of your thoughts from your Cole Slaw blog and the conversation between you and Joshua. That has helped me understand your position more. However, I must side with Joshua on his question, where do you find an example (or principle) of someone saying a prayer to invite Jesus into their heart for salvation? That is not to relegate prayer as secondary to salvation or that someone should not invite Jesus into their heart. One should pray that their sins be taken away. One should invite Jesus into their heart. At the same time, 1 Pet. 3.21 is very plain on baptism, “baptism … now saves you.” It’s not magic water (as you state) but I believe you do not take the next part into account, “an appeal to God for a good conscience.” Why would someone ask God for a good conscience if their sins were taken away previously? And what is the connection between having a good conscience and discipleship (if baptism is for discipleship and not salvation)?
As to the questions of ‘essential’ or ‘necessary’ and myriad of situations where a person does not have the ability to be baptized I point to the connection to circumcision. Paul is very explicit that Abraham was considered righteous before he was circumcised (Rom. 4.9-10). But circumcision is part of the Law. This means circumcision was necessary to become one under the covenant (Israel and any proselytes) but not for being righteous (the Gentiles who followed the law in their hearts – Rom. 2). So to call oneself a ‘willfully-chosen uncircumcised Jew’ is an oxymoron. To call oneself a ‘willfully-chosen unbaptized Christian’ or ‘pre-baptism Christian’ is the same. How is it possible to accept Jesus and not accept baptism? It’s for being part of Christ, not for righteousness. And on that I believe we agree.